Marius Maximus Foundation
our services
- Mental health education/resources
- Suicide Awareness and prevention
- Mental Health First Aid
- Team Building
- Setting Healthy Boundaries
- Anger Management Strategies and Triggers
- Various Vocational Classes
- Mentorship/Guidance for at-risk youth
- Leadership Development
- Peer Support Services
- Group Meetings
- Drug/Alcohol Awareness
- Communication strategies
- Reintegration resources/classes to prevent recidivism for at-risk youth and other individuals
- Various vocational programs
- Mental health education/resources
- Suicide Awareness and prevention
- Life Skills
- Anger Management
- Vocational training
- WRAP Training
- Mentorship
- Peer Support Counseling
- Group Meetings
- QPR Training
- Reintegration Services
- Homelessness Prevention/Integrated Services
- Community Feedings
- Helping veterans integrate back into civilian life
Marius Maximus Foundation
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis.
Send Donation
We can not be successful without support from individuals like yourself, every donation has the potential to save a life.
What You Can Do
Get Involved
We always need volunteers for every aspect of our foundation, if you have extra time and want to do some good please consider giving us your time.
Something Better
Make a gift
We always need volunteers for every aspect of our foundation, if you have extra time and want to do some good please consider giving us your time.